port of liverpool building
它座落在码头顶(Pier Head)地区,连同毗邻的丘纳德大厦(Cunard Building)和利物浦港务大厦(Port of Liverpool Building)这三座临水建筑,一起被称为利物浦的“三女神”。它也是联合国教科文组织指定的世界遗产海上商业城市利物浦的组成部分。
乘船从默西河上航行,可以欣赏沿岸景色,包括三栋最有名的建筑物:利物浦港大厦(Port of Liverpool Building),康诺德大厦(Cunard Building)及皇家利物浦大厦(Royal Liver Building),城市象征的利物浦之鸟雕像就在皇家利物浦大厦的顶端...
port of liverpool building
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The site includes much of the city's famous waterfront, including the Three Graces - the Royal Liver Building, the Cunard Building and the Port of Liverpool Building - the Pier Head, the Albert Dock and the Stanley Dock Conservation Area.
BBC: Liverpool Waters project would damage city: Unesco