...中的PDF417层叠式条码己经成为国际通用的二维条码而且被定为我国二维条码的标准,它被称为便携式数据文件(Portable Data File),是一种多层、可变长、具有高容量和错误纠j下能力的二维条码。
PDF Portable Data File 便携式数据文件
There is no completely standardized way to do this; the most portable solution is to open a temporary file, write data to it, and hand it to the lexer. Here's a sample bit of code to do this.
And Amplifeeder can also generate a nice, data-portable XML file for users to backup all their social stream's data; XML files can also be used to restore data.
Usually, we save data in databases. However, if we want to make the data more portable, we can store the data in an XML file.