TreeID= 2013-4-23-正定矩阵 (Positive Definite Matrices)本节针对正定对称(symmetric positive definite) 矩阵作介绍,在计算的时间和记忆体使用上,正定对称矩阵比一般非对称矩阵节省了一...
sub-positive definite matrices 亚正定矩阵
real positive definite matrices 实正定矩性
semi-positive definite matrices 半正定矩阵
hypo positive definite matrices 亚正定阵
meta positive definite matrices 亚正定矩阵
meta-positive definite matrices 亚正定阵
complex positive definite matrices 复正定矩阵
By extending the convex inequality to qtiaternion field,the extended convex in-equality is obtained;and further extending the convex inequality to type one matrices of the cornplex numerfields,the generalized convex inequality of the positive definite matrices is obtained。
参考来源 - 正定矩阵的凸性不等式的推广·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
These properties are similar to properties of positive semi-definite matrices and positive definite matrices.
Some equivalent representations of complex positive semi definite matrices are given by using equivalent conditions of positive semi definite of real symmetric matrix.
From given eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the inverse eigenvalue problem of symmetric ortho-symmetric positive semi-definite matrices and its optimal approximate problem were considered.