研究生文凭教育,Post Graduate Certificate- Education 发布研究生文凭教育领导与管理,Post Graduate Certificate- Education Leadership and Management ..
Post Graduate Certificate of Education 教育研究生证书
post graduate certificate- education
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The biggest cut is to the post-primary Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), where numbers accepted will drop by a fifth, from 290 to 234.
BBC: PGCE places cut by 20% in Northern Ireland universities
Previously, recruits to the profession did a one-year Masters course at a university, provided they had a PGCE (post-graduate certificate of education) plus two years of teaching experience.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Psychologists' shortage claim
Both routes involve training towards a PGCE (post-graduate certificate in secondary education) and tuition fees are payable.
BBC: Teachers: Nearly one in three trainees does not stay