咳嗽也可能与过敏有关,因黏液(Mucus)由鼻腔倒流到喉咙(Postnasal drip)而引起上呼吸道的刺激及咳嗽,有些人晚上咳嗽很频繁或遇到冷空气或抽烟会咳嗽的话,75%是与过敏性气喘有关。
postnasal drip syndrome PNDS 鼻后滴流综合征 ; 鼻后滴漏综合症
postnasal drip symdrone 鼻后滴注综合征 ; 后鼻孔滴注综合征 ; 滴注综合征
Postnasal drip syndromes 鼻后滴漏流综合征
postnasal drip symdrome in children 鼻后滴注综合征
postnasal drip symptom 鼻后滴流综合征
postnasal drip symdtrone 鼻后滴注综合征
PNDS postnasal drip syndrome 鼻后滴流综合征
postnasal drip leakage syndrome 后鼻滴漏综合征
postnasal drip syndrome in children 儿童鼻后滴漏综合征
以上来源于: WordNet
N a mucus secretion from the rear part of the nasal cavity into the nasopharynx, usually as the result of a cold or an allergy 鼻后滴注 [医学]
Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of integrative medicine therapy (IMT) on postnasal drip syndrome.
Results: 1. In these 60 cases with CC, were caused by cough variant asthma, Mycoplasma pneumonia infection, postnasal drip syndrome, gastro-esophageal reflux;
Cough-variant asthma is somewhat difficult to diagnose because the cough may be the only symptom, and cough itself may appear to be bronchitis or cough associated with postnasal drip.