POWER YOGA 力量瑜伽 ; 活力瑜伽 ; 强力瑜珈 ; 力量瑜珈
Power yoga room 热瑜珈房
Prana power yoga 强力瑜珈
power fitness yoga 强力体适能瑜伽 ; 体适能瑜珈
N a form of yoga involving aerobic exercises and constant strenuous movement 动力瑜伽; 结合体操运动和持续的剧烈运动的一种瑜伽形式
Forget Bikram or power yoga. If you want to be ahead of the crowd, snake yoga is the newest - and most unusual - class in town.
You don't have to explain why your yoga blog is relevant to a group of power lifters: your articles speak for themselves.
You've probably heard of hot yoga and power yoga, but now there's another form of the physical and mental activity that's gaining popularity in India - water yoga.