... Administrator Password 管理关密码设置 Power On Password 开机密码 Drive Lock password 硬盘密码设置 ...
... IBM 笔记本电脑XTRA系列的BIOS中可以设置三种类型的密码: Power On Password (加电密码,或开机密码) Hard Disk Password (硬盘密码) ...
Power-On Password 开机密码 ; 设置开机密码 ; 开机口令 ; 上电密码
KB Power ON Password 键盘开机密码 ; 键盘开机的密码设定 ; 键盘密码开机 ; 设置键盘开机
The power-on password prompt 出现开机密码提示 ; 开机密码提示
x KB Power On Password 设置密码开机
set power-on password 设置开机密码
power on password enabled 开机密码启用
IBM The power-on password prompt 开机密码提示
Password power-on password 开机密码
kb b power on password 键盘开机密码
This is probably a false error. Disable the power on password in BIOS and run the CMOS test again.
Yes, you can crack this password if that is not set as Power on password (the one which prompts right when you start the machine).
Enable password protection at power-on ~ ~ Requires a password when turned on.
启用开机密码保护功能~ ~开机时需要密码。