[3]不确定的工作(Precarious Work)是目前西方文献中比较 常用的词语,指的是包括各种临时的、短期的、外包、分包、劳务派 遣等的与传统固定用工方式不同的用工方式...
以上来源于: WordNet
Taking proactive steps toward finding a new job, for example, can help you feel more in control of a precarious work situation, and can open up new opportunities, which minimizes stress.
比如 当您处于摇摆不定的工作状态下 您可以提前寻找一份更加有把握的新工作,这样可以帮助您开发新的机会,最终可以减小您的压力。
There are, broadly speaking, two ways to get the jobless into work. One is to make life on benefits uncomfortable or precarious; the other is to make the prospect of work viable and appealing.
There are, broadly speaking, two ways to get the jobless into work. One is to make life on benefits uncomfortable or precarious;