prescription medicine 处方药 ; 按药方买药 ; 抗生素
Chinese prescription medicine 中成药
Japanese HAN prescription medicine 日本汉方医
Prescription Room of Medicine 西药调剂室
prescription only medicine 处方药 ; 是相对于处方药
traditional Chinese medicine prescription 中医药方 ; 中药复方
prescription of traditional Chinese medicine 中药方剂
Traditional Chinese Medicine Patent Prescription 中成药
The present invention relates to a new prescription of Chinese medicine for curing hepatitides.
44afghan women receive prescription medicine after being treated at a USAID-funded clinic, September 7, 2011 in Farza, Afghanistan.
Prescription medicine usually comes in pill bottles, but in some parts of the United States, foods like artichokes, beets, spinach, and apples have also become part of the doctor's Arsenal.