[ 复数 presses 第三人称单数 presses 现在分词 pressing 过去式 pressed 过去分词 pressed ]
...妳是果冻胖还是肉肉胖 分不清妳是水肿造成(果冻胖)还是脂肪过多的(肉肉胖),最简单的方法就用( 按 )和(看)来分辨 1、 按 ( Press ): 按 压小腿试验肌弹性 用食指 按 压小腿5秒, 按 压处白色部位在15秒后还存在,就是轻细水肿要是 按 压的处所会缺刻、很慢才回...
嵌件板冲压件级进模设计_模具_毕业设计论文网 关键词:级进模;冲压;AutoCAD [gap=1491]Key words: progressive die; press; AutoCAD
我也看过不少 报刊 ( Press )、收集内行能手推介(Recommendation)和诸君的批评;我发掘大部分人的商讨都走进了分别的误区(Mistakes),都只不过(Only)是触及(...
printing press [印刷] 印刷机 ; 印钞机 ; 印刷厂 ; 印刷术
press conference 记者招待会 ; 新闻发布会 ; 记者会 ; 记者招待台
Press-up 俯卧撑 ; 掌上压 ; 新闻
Commercial Press 商务印书馆 ; 商业印刷机 ; 商报 ; 印书馆
freedom of the press [法] 新闻自由 ; 出版自由 ; 新闻自在 ; 消息自由
Meet the Press 与媒体见面 ; 会见新闻界 ; 会见媒体 ; 面对媒体
Press release 新闻发布 ; 新闻稿 ; 新闻 ; 新闻公告
screw press 螺旋压机 ; 螺旋式冲床 ; [机] 螺旋压力机 ; 螺旋压榨
V-T If you press something somewhere, you push it firmly against something else. 推; 挤
He pressed his back against the door.
V-T If you press a button or switch, you push it with your finger in order to make a machine or device work. 按压
Drago pressed a button and the door closed.
N-COUNT Press is also a noun. 按压
...a TV which rises from a table at the press of a button.
V-T/V-I If you press something or press down on it, you push hard against it with your foot or hand. 用力按; 用力踩
The engine stalled. He pressed the accelerator hard.
V-I If you press for something, you try hard to persuade someone to give it to you or to agree to it. 竭力争取
Police might now press for changes in the law.
V-T If you press someone, you try hard to persuade them to do something. 极力劝说
Trade unions are pressing him to stand firm.
Mr. Kurtz seems certain to be pressed for further details.
V-T If someone presses their claim, demand, or point, they state it in a very forceful way. 有力陈述
The protest campaign has used mass strikes and demonstrations to press its demands.
V-T If you press something on someone, you give it to them and insist that they take it. 硬塞
All I had was money, which I pressed on her reluctant mother.
V-T If you press clothes, you iron them in order to get rid of the creases. 熨
Vera pressed his shirt.
There's a couple of dresses to be pressed.
N any machine that exerts pressure to form, shape, or cut materials or to extract liquids, compress solids, or hold components together while an adhesive joint is formed 挤压机; 压力机; 打包机
N-SING-COLL Newspapers are referred to as the press. 报纸 ['the' N]
...interviews in the local and foreign press.
...freedom of the press.
N-SING-COLL Journalists and reporters are referred to as the press. 新闻工作者
Christie looked relaxed and calm as she faced the press afterwards.
N-COUNT A press or a printing press is a machine used for printing things such as books and newspapers. 印刷机
V to recruit (men) by forcible measures for military service (对男人)强征服兵役
N recruitment into military service by forcible measures, as by a press gang 抓丁入伍
PHRASE If someone or something gets bad press, they are criticized, especially in the newspapers, on television, or on radio. If they get good press, they are praised. 受到媒体批评/好评
...the bad press that career women consistently get in this country.
PHRASE If you press charges against someone, you make an official accusation against them that has to be decided in a court of law. 起诉
I could have pressed charges against him.
PHRASE When a newspaper or magazine goes to press, it starts being printed. 付印
We check prices at the time of going to press.