(强迫索取) extort; exert pressure for; press for: (逼近) press on towards; press up to; close in on; drive near: (很近的) close: ..
... 升,登上(只有于有相当高度的地方) [rish high;go up;soar] 战栗 [tremble] 迫近 [close in on;draw near;press on towards] ...
值得关注的是,这并不是杭州单个都会的行为,时间切近(press on towards)岁尾(the end of the year),本年以来房价上涨速度较快的都会都连续开始采取 办法(measure),期望(hope)在最后关头保住房价...
So to take what one learns through life and to press on towards the goals set will one begin to face new, challenging, and sometimes even exciting new fears.
死亡对每个人来说都不远。 只要人活着,就会有未知的事物去面对。 所以,一个人终生学习,向目标奋进,就会迎来新的挑战,有时甚至是新的恐惧。 生活从不会自己终结,除非你终结生命。
So to take what one learns through life and to press on towards the goals set will one begin to face new, challenging, and sometimes even exciting new fears.
Press the differential towards the transmission cover at the crown wheel adjusting tool and read off the backlash on the dial gauge.