Red Prickles 红刺舌象
Conic Prickles 圆锥形皮刺
This Sweater Prickles 这件毛衣刺痛
With Minute Prickles 具小皮刺
Without Fine Prickles 没有细皮刺
a bush with prickles on 有刺的灌木
In part 3, the prickle subjective evaluation trials were carried out and the results were analyzed.
参考来源 - 羊毛衫针织物的刺痒感研究And some were existed in lower epidermis vein in only several individual species. According to prickle-hairs exist or absent in vein zone, prickle-hair type, none- prickle-hair type, and 5 subtypes were divided.
参考来源 - 山东苔草属植物叶表皮微形态的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
V-I If your skin prickles, it feels as if a lot of small sharp points are being stuck into it, either because of something touching it or because you feel a strong emotion. (因被刺或强烈的感触而)感到刺痛
He paused, feeling his scalp prickling under his hat.
N-COUNT Prickle is also a noun. 刺痛感
I felt a prickle of disquiet.
N-COUNT Prickles are small sharp points that stick out from leaves or from the stalks of plants. (植物的叶或茎上的)刺; 棘 [usu pl] erect stem covered at the base with a few prickles.