[ 复数 prides 第三人称单数 prides 现在分词 priding 过去式 prided 过去分词 prided ]
...,那么显然这个问题是大家都十分关心的问题,下面就来看看这么面专家对于这个问题的准确解答, 恋爱世纪,我很喜欢看的日剧,里面的水晶苹果多经典啊冰上恋人(pride),影评很高,很温暖。蛋糕上的草莓,我特别钟爱它,起初看网上的介绍时觉得不好看,因为人物看了几集就全部都看完了,人物很有特...
Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 ; 狂妄与成见 ; 新傲慢与偏见 ; 傲慢与成见
Pride & Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 ; 狂妄与成见 ; 刹那 ; 傲慢与成见
Puritan's Pride 普瑞登 ; 普瑞丁 ; 普丽普莱 ; 美国普瑞丁
Shanghai Pride 上海骄傲周 ; 上海骄傲节
Mad Pride 疯子尊严
My Pride 我的骄傲 ; 泓景台 ; 挥着翅膀的女孩 ; 我傲慢
Pride Park Stadium 普莱德公园球场 ; 派迪公园球场 ; 球场
leather pride flag 皮革自豪之旗
Chinas Pride 中国的骄傲 ; 祖国骄傲 ; 祖国的骄傲 ; 更多祖国骄傲
Pride and Prejudice has both great fame and a large number of readers in China.
参考来源 - 《傲慢与偏见》主要汉语译本的比较研究(研究生论文)"Maslow was a very human sense of pride and perfection of human nature of ethics and psychologists.
参考来源 - 人性能达的境界·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: pridefulness
"he takes pride in his son's success"
同义词: superbia
"He prides himself on making it into law school"
同义词: plume congratulate
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Pride is a feeling of satisfaction that you have because you or people close to you have done something good or possess something good. 自豪
...the sense of pride in a job well done.
We take pride in offering you the highest standards.
N-UNCOUNT Pride is a sense of the respect that other people have for you, and that you have for yourself. 尊严
Davis had to salvage his pride.
N-UNCOUNT Someone's pride is the feeling that they have that they are better or more important than other people. 傲慢 [表不满]
His pride may still be his downfall.
V-T If you pride yourself on a quality or skill that you have, you are very proud of it. 以…而自豪
Suarez prides himself on being able to organize his own life.
She also became known for her outspoken opinions, her clothing and the great pride she had in herself and her race.
VOA: special.2009.02.22
My friends are gone, but that's a truth Nor grave nor bed denied, -- Learned in bodily lowliness And in the heart's pride.
Pride and Prejudice" is amazing with him in it and...