... 重要道路网 strategic road network 主要道路 kings highway; main road; major road; primary road 郊区主要道路 main rural road ...
primary road load 道路不平引起的初次载荷
West Road Primary School 西道小学 ; 西一路小学 ; 西路小学
Nanjing Road Primary School 南京路小学
Bonham Road Government Primary School 般咸道官立小学
Park Road primary school 公园路小学
Silk had become one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC.
Who works across the spectrum in countries, from primary prevention work through to rehabilitation of those who have been involved in road traffic crashes.
Parents know that the road to the best universities begins with the best primary schools, and getting your child into one of those takes connections or money.