..., 硫、磷等元素缺乏也会抑制土壤有机质分解 影响土壤有机质分解和转化的因素 三 土壤有机质的转化 (4)激发效应(Priming effect ) : 投入新鲜有机质或含氮物质而使土壤中 原有机质的分解速率改变的现象。
semantic priming effect 语义启动效应 ; 语义促发效应
negative priming effect 负启动效应
affective priming effect 情绪启动效应 ; 情感启动效应
self-priming effect [妇产] 自启效应
Automatic affective priming effect 自动情绪启动
Unconscious affective priming effect 无意识情绪启动
reaction priming effect 反应启动效应
apparent priming effect 表观激发效应
Rhizosphere Priming Effect 根际激发效应
Males May Be More Susceptible to Priming Effect Than Females, Researcher says.
"It could be that males are more susceptible to the priming effect than are females," Temple said.
Objective to analyze the time course of affective priming and explore the automatic process of affective priming effect.