This dissertation first provides the technical background for FlexPMD(Flex Privilege Management) system, a universal privilege management system platform, by introducing access control technology, Windows security subsystem and correlative background knowledge of LDAP.
文章首先通过对访问控制技术、Windows安全子系统组成和LDAP的相关背景知识的介绍,为通用权限管理支撑平台FlexPMD(Flex Privilege Management Design)提供了技术背景。
参考来源 - FlexPMD通用权限管理支撑平台·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In the privilege management system an important concept is introduced - RBAC.
Based on a MIS of special items of some department in Beijing, this subject is to study how to design and implement a privilege management system.
Combined with privilege management system and log system, this digital signature system ensures that the E-Government system will run safely and efficiently.