N an annual prize for a work of French fiction (法国)龚古尔小说奖
Born in Fez in 1944, he came to France at the age of 27 and has long since been part of the French literary firmament (he won the Prix Goncourt in 1987 for “La Nuit Sacrée”).
Born in Fez in 1944, he came to France at the age of 27 and has long since been part of the French literary firmament (he won the Prix Goncourt in 1987 for "La Nuit Sacree").
1944年出于非斯,他在27岁来到法国,从那时起就活跃法国文坛(1987年因《La Nuit Sacree神圣之夜》获得法国龚古尔文学奖)。