在学习的经验中,常有两种可能的干扰:一为前摄抑制(proactive inhibition),即原先的学习,对于后来的学习起干扰作用;另一为后摄抑制 (retroactive inhibition ),即后学的材料对于先前学习的干扰作用。
Gestalt psychology put forward memory trace theory, which emphasized how stimulate context influences recall; They carried on the research of organizing the factors in memory for the first time, and emphasized that one could gain more impact if he memorized by managing organization strategy; They studied the function of stimulate distinctiveness; Von Restorff put forward famous isolation effect; Koffka stressed ego; They researched retroactive inhibition, proactive inhibition and primacy effect; Theserespects attached great importance to modern cognitive psychology.
格式塔心理学提出了记忆痕迹理论,强调刺激所在的情境对回忆的影响;首次进行记忆中组织因素的研究,强调组织因素的作用并提出记忆材料时运用一些组织策略会使记忆效果更好;研究了刺激特异性对识记的作用;冯·雷斯托夫提出了著名的隔离效应;考夫卡强调自我的作用;他们对前摄抑制、后摄抑制、近因效应等进行了探索和解释。 这些方面在现代认知心理学中也是着力研究并十分注重的。
参考来源 - 完形视域与认知范式——论格式塔学派关于记忆与问题解决研究对认知心理学产生和发展的促进·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N the tendency for earlier memories to interfere with the retrieval of material learned later 顺向抑制 [psychol] → compare retroactive inhibition