process-to-process connection
传输层 (Transport Layer) 功能程序对程序连线 (Process-to-Process Connection)定址方式 (Addressing)埠口号码 (Port Number)IP 位址号码交谈层 (Session Layer)交谈连线之建立与维护交谈连线之管理交谈连线之...
process-to-process connection
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The CLP includes both a front-end process (representing the user interface) and a back-end process to maintain a database connection.
In the process editor, move the mouse pointer to the far left edge of the process until the pointer changes to an icon indicating that you're adding a connection.
3 what's happen with the connection when the forked process ends? Should I close it? Or does it close automatically? And what's append to the father's process connection?
According to the DISA briefing, no unit or command will be allowed to connect a local- or wide-area network to NIPRNET until the network goes through a formal connection approval process.
CNN: DOD overhauls network to thwart hackers
He is also under investigation for allegations that he "attempted to influence the decision-making process of the West Yorkshire Police Authority in connection with the referral that they had made".
BBC: Sir Norman Bettison
Sir Norman is also facing a second allegation that he "attempted to influence the decision-making process of the West Yorkshire Police Authority in connection with the referral that they had made".
BBC: Sir Norman Bettison