...,安全培组,部组组 ,组组管理,组组管理,管理培组,组组组境 划 , 组文, 修方案,合同 装 (3)服组流程(process of service)。 (4)组品(product)。
Process Of service assembly 服务过程 ; 服务流程
service of process 送达 ; 送达法律程序文件 ; 投递 ; 诉讼文件的送达
Flawless process of service 完善的服务流程
The process of service delivery 服务流程
effects of service of process 送达效力
Integration of Service Process 服务流程合成
service of process abroad 诉讼文书国外送达
In the process of service for a frame structure, some cracks were found on the walls, the surface of floors and beams.
Companies for customers in the shortest possible time to provide the design and manufacture of products from the whole process of service.
While the content of WSDL is not the meaning of the service, the aggregated process of service integration is also not the meaning of the service.