piece rate 记件 production sketch 出产图 under pressing 中烫 seam tist 缝骨扭 瓦伦蒂诺1959年初涉衣服界,是少数几位闻名世界的意大利设计师之一。
An early sketch by the production designer Raymond Zibach shows Po with the Furious Five walking through the desert. Mr.
由制片设计师Raymond Zibach制作的一幅早期的图片,展现了阿宝和盖世五侠走过沙漠的场景。
An early sketch by the production designer Raymond Zibach shows Po with the Furious Five walking through the desert.
由制片设计师Raymond Zibach制作的一幅早期的图片,展现了阿宝和盖世五侠走过沙漠的场景。
Sketch diethyl malonate production and synthetic technology of ester, introduce it's extensive use in the organic synthesis in detail.