... profit ratio of paid-in capital 实收资本利润率 profit realized 实现利润 Profit 利润,盈利 ...
... 已认定金额 amount subscribed 已实现利润 profit realized 已实现毛利 realized gross profit ...
realized profit 实现利润 ; 已赚得利润 ; 变现利益 ; 变卖利益
Accumulated realized profit 累计已变现利润 ; 累计已变现损失
west bank realized profit 实现利润
realized profit or loss 已实现利润或亏损
profit t realized 实现利润
enterprise realized profit 企业实现利润
Studio heads realized that they couldn't make virtually the same film over and over again with the same cast of stars and still expect to keep turning a profit.
In other words, if a fund liquidated all profits, the supposed 20% taken out first would actually be larger than 20% of the total realized profit.
Agassi realized that if he turned a profit on the fuel, he could radically subsidize the cars, much as cell phone carriers sell minutes and heavily subsidize the phones.