as you think she does 计划完成量 » Program output 但是中国人非常的有好也非常的热情 » However, Chinese people are very nice and very warm ..
program-output hub [计] 程序输出插孔
application program output limit 应用程序输出范围
application program output limits 应用程序输出限制 ; 应用程序输出极限
output program [计] 输出程序
binary output program 二进制输出程序
automatic contouring program output 自动绘等值线程序绘出的图
BOP Binary Output Program 二进制输出程序
simulated output program 模拟输出程序
output driver program 输出驱动器程式
Listing 6. xev example program output.
清单6 . xev示例程序输出。
Listing 4 shows the program output from this command.
If everything goes well, the program output will look as shown in Listing 2.
human text, ASCII text as input and output zeroes and ones that represent that program in a manner that the CPU, interesting, dammit, not installed on this computer.