...Reagan Economy)的经济理论,主张减少所得税率可以提振消费力,刺激经济成长;相反的,他们认为 累进税率 ( progressive rate )是劫富济贫,只是惩罚努力工作获得应有报酬的人们,将导致美国走向经济衰退。
progressive rate payment 按进度付款
progressive-rate 刚度递增的
Progressive Tax Rate 累进税率 ; 递增税率 ; 累进 ; 累进税
progressive rate for shorter distance 递近递增运价
progressive contribution rate 累进供款率
The methods for calculating the progressive rate of science and technology include two kinds:mathematical model method and index system method.
The progressive rate of the patients with increased urinary B_2 excretion was lower than the rate of those with decreased urinary B_2 excretion (12.5%; 47.1%).
Theoretical formulas were established by overall analysis to the progressive rate springs with variable arm length, and their results were obtained by experiment test.