蜂巢计划(Project Beehive)的推出在业内博得满堂喝彩。50多家业内领先的组件、工具和平台供应商纷纷对此表示支持(Project Beehive),并承诺加入蜂巢(Pro...
The Apache Beehive project seems to be producing such a component and may provide a general purpose implementation of JSR-181 in the near future.
Apache Beehive 项目好像正在开发这样的组件,在不久的将来可能会提供一个通用 JSR-181 实现。
The Apache Beehive project is working on a generalized implementation of a JSR-181 processor.
Apache Be ehive项目正在进行通用JSR - 181处理器通用实现方面的工作。
Called the Urban Beehive, the design is part of a new project by Philips called the "Microbial Home".