...08年奥运会组委会总体策划部项目管理顾问大连项目管理协会顾问著作和译著:《实践中的项目管理(Project Management In Practice)》,电子工业出版社《有效的项目管理(Effective Project Management)》,电子工业出版社《项目管理口袋书》主编《Microsoft Offi...
Project Management in Practice实践项目管理 International Projects and Tendering国际项目投标 Corporate Social Responsibility企业社会责任 .
...可参考阅读即将由电子工业出版社出版的、由梅瑞狄斯在本书基础上精练而成的《项目管理实践》(Project Management in Practice)一书。
Software Project Management in Practice 软件项目管理实践
Project Management Practice in Alstom 阿尔斯通的项目管理实践
Similar to the Project Management discipline, which is governed by its own standards and best practices such as PMBOK and Projects in Controlled Environments (PRINCE2), so is the Audit practice.
类似于项目管理规程,受到其自己的标准和最佳实践治理,例如 PMBOK 和 Projects in Controlled Environments(PRINCE2),因此是审计实践。
This paper summaries use practice of BOT mode in automobile application line and how to do the management and control the quality of products after the project done.
In project management practice, the most prominent issue is project changes. The majority of those changes are scope change or others that are generally arisen by scope change.