- 系统上不会显示客户LME仓位的 交割日期 ( prompt date ), 客户可从日结单上得知不同仓位的不同 交割日期 , 如下图中红框内显示了于10/12/2008成交仓位的 交割日期 为10/03/2009。
... prompt collection of money迅速收款 prompt date交割日 考试大论坛 proof of debt债权证明;债权证明表 ...
First prompt date is TOM which is the next business day from today.
第一个交割日是Tom, Tom是从今天算起的第二个工作日。
As at Date measures and the as at Date dimension perspective use the same prompt map entry to drive the value used for the filter.
As at Date度量和As at Date维度透视图使用相同的提示映射条目促成用于过滤器的值。
Suppose, for example, that you need to know the date two weeks hence. If you're at a shell prompt, you can get the answer immediately.