Proof-reader 校对员 ; 校对 ; 校订员 ; 校对于员
Proof Reader 校对 ; 校对员 ; 校对者
C&E Proof-reader 校对员
press corrector proof reader collator 校对员
Proof- reader 校对员
class I proof reader 一级校对
Proof-reader 校对员
᠌ Proof-reader 校对员
Proof-reader 校对员
同义词: proofreader reader
以上来源于: WordNet
I feel the more inclined to emphasise this caution because I once had a rather embarrassing and pointed proof of its desirability, -- which I relate for the enlightening of the reader.
我觉得特别有必要把以上这一点强调一下,这是因为我曾经有过一次很尴尬的经历。 这次经历也非常深刻地证明了刚才我跟大家谈到的这一点。
Then that reader can skip the proof of Lemma 15 'completely, and not have to deal with B at all.
这样读者就可以完整地跳过引理15 ',完全不必关心B了。
I was a careful proof-reader in those days.