proper noun 专有名词 ; 专名
proper noun mark 专名号
Proper noun recognition 专有名词识别
Chinese Proper Noun 中文专有名词
chinese proper noun recognition 中文专有名词识别
proper noun process 专有名词处理
proper noun N-PROPER 专有名词
identification of proper noun 专名识别
proper noun and general noun 专名与通名
the noun proper 本名目
You will often see enterprise architecture capitalized as a proper noun (e.g., the discipline of enterprise architecture), though as you can see, we're not using it that way here.
A new proper noun enters vocabulary Do you add that to your voice?
Contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including any or all of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc.