答:前列宝康(Prostate Health)是采用国际先进的药用植物提取技术,超浓缩提取主要成份,对美洲蒲葵浆果素素和番茄红素进行生物细胞破壁微粉碎工艺处理后,是目...
Colon And Prostate Health 结肠癌和前列腺健康
An NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study found that processed red meat was associated with a 10 percent increased risk of prostate cancer with every 10 grams of increased intake.
一个名为NIH - AARP的饮食与健康的研究指出每多摄入10克经加工的红肉就会使罹患前列腺癌的几率增加10%。
He was diagnosed with prostate cancer but without surgery managed to survive several years, though his health was precarious.
A team of University of Iowa Health Care researchers has launched an important clinical trial of a novel therapeutic that may eventually lead to new treatments for men diagnosed with prostate cancer.