protein enriched 蛋白强化
Protein Enriched Sweet Whey Powder 富含蛋白质的甜乳清粉
selenium-enriched protein 富硒蛋白
Selenium-enriched rapeseed protein peptides 富硒菜籽蛋白肽
Selenium-enriched yeast protein 富硒酵母蛋白
high-protein & peptide-enriched milk powder 高蛋白低聚肽奶粉
India has attempted to encourage consumption of protein-enriched bread, with some success.
If you find you are still hungry before bedtime, try one of the many protein-enriched power bars (without chocolate) for your bedtime snack.
To figure out just how protein achieves this special effect, Mithieux and his colleagues fed rats a protein-enriched diet and measured metabolic changes.