在新加坡商业市场,在股票交易所挂牌交易的公司称为" 上市公司 "( Listed Companies )或"公共公司"(Public Companies)或"公共 上市公司 "(Public Listed Company).
China Association for Public Companies 中国上市公司协会
Directing Public Companies 上市公司指导
Operations of Public Companies 上市公司运作
Corporations And Public Companies 公司和上市公司
public limited companies 公共有限公司 ; 公众有限责任公司
the public companies 上市公司
non-public companies 非公有制企业
chinese public companies 中国上市公司
The topic of the thesis is about valuation methods for Chinese Real Estate public companies.
参考来源 - 中国房地产上市公司估值研究 (研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A public company is a company whose shares can be bought by the general public. 上市公司 [商业]
It is argued that the influence of transient investment on public companies can be adverse.
"Board members of public companies should be chosen solely on the basis of merit and experience," he says.
From January 1st, 2008, all public companies in Norway are obliged to ensure that at least 40% of their board directors are women.
The first breeding line is expected to be released this year for use by private seed companies and public soybean breeders.
VOA: special.2009.01.20
Moreover, your market is bigger, so public companies have an advantage; so companies don't like to be public, generally.
The SEC--you have to decide-- you hear about public companies and private companies.