对copylift的解释是:“让程序自由的最简单的办法是把它放进公共域(public domain),非版权化”。这就是当前世界上一浪高过一浪,大有超过共享软件成为互联网主流之势的PD 软件的基础(公共域软件或叫共有软件、自...
public domain software 公用软件 ; 公共软件 ; 软件 ; 公共财软体
information in the public domain 公开情报 ; 公然情报
Public domain books 图书 ; 加入公共财书籍 ; 域书籍 ; 电子书
Macquaire University Campus Public Domain 麦考瑞大学公共区域
Public Domain Mark 公共领域标志
The Public Domain 公共领域
Public-domain e-books 公共电子书 ; 域的电子书
People essential relations which involves in the public domain life, is the public interest creation and the function display.
参考来源 - 行政公益诉讼研究(研究生论文)This exclusive area of intellectual property in the public domain and the boundaries of the research system issues, This paper is divided into introduction, four chapters, the conclusion.
参考来源 - 知识产权专有领域与公有领域的边界(研究生论文)In his point of view,the media is not only the power for rebound of public domain,but also the cause of collapse of it.
参考来源 - 网络传媒——公共领域再次转型的契机·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-SING If information is in the public domain, it is not secret and can be used or discussed by anyone. 不受任何限制 [usu 'in the' N]
It is outrageous that the figures are not in the public domain.
It is outrageous that the figures are not in the public domain.
Companies are unlikely to file many more patents for human DNA molecules-most are already patented or in the public domain.
公司不太可能再为人类 DNA申请更多的专利——大多数要么已经被其他公司申请了专利,要么处于公共领域。
From the profusion of electronic-text sites available, it looks as if this virtual library is here to stay unless a proposed revision to copyright law takes many publications out of the public domain.