以上来源于: WordNet
Amazing street illusion created by Erik Johansson looks like a large hole in the middle of Sergels torg public square in Stockholm Sweden.
由Erik Johansson创作的惊人街头幻景,看上去就像是瑞典斯德哥尔摩市塞格尔公共广场中心的一个大坑。
Amazing street illusion created by Erik Johansson looks like a large hole in the middle of Sergels torg public square in Stockholm, Sweden.
由Erik Johansson创作的惊人街头幻景,看上去就像是瑞典斯德哥尔摩市塞格尔公共广场中心的一个大坑。
Conceived as a "village", the group of building gathers around a central covered street with a kind of roofed public square at the end where you enter it.