... Change Value to Reference 将值对象改为援用对象 Pull UP Method 上移办法 Remove Middle Man 去除两头人 ...
Pull Method Up 拉起成员
In Listing 6, I take the duplicated code in Listing 4 and reduce the duplication by using the Pull up method refactoring - extracting behavior from a larger method into an abstract class method.
在清单6中,我用了清单4中的重复代码,使用了Pull Up Method重构来降低重复度—将行为从较大方法提取到一个抽象类方法中。
If I can figure out a way to force the child class (PartDb) to tell the parent class the value of this SQL string, I can pull this method up as well.
Test method (dry) : 1.3 M tape stuck in the picture has's ink surface 45 degree Angle quickly pull up not to take off oil. 2.
测试方法(完全干燥后): 1.3M胶纸粘在画有百格的油墨表面45度角迅速拉起不脱油。