... 肺泡气 alveolar air; 肺泡炎 pulmonary alveolitis; 肺泡氧压 {生理} alveolar oxygen pressure; ...
acute pulmonary alveolitis 急性肺泡炎
rheumatoid pulmonary alveolitis 类风湿性肺泡炎
Prolonged pulmonary alveolitis 拖延性肺泡炎
allergic pulmonary alveolitis 变应性肺泡炎
lergic pulmonary alveolitis 变应性肺泡炎
simple pulmonary alveolitis 单纯性肺泡炎
tropical pulmonary alveolitis 热带性肺泡炎
CONCLUSION: The results of our experiments showed that Dengtaishu abstract and Prednisolone could retard and restrain Pulmonary alveolitis in rats with BL-induced.
参考来源 - 灯台树对博莱霉素所致肺纤维化治疗作用机理的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress