... 脉冲上升时间:pulse rise time 脉冲列(串):pulse train 脉冲宽度制(脉宽制):pulse duration system ...
tone pulse rise time 单音脉冲上升时间
Broad pulse rise time 宽脉冲上升时间
pulse rise time discriminator 脉波上升时间鉴别器
PWM pulse rise time PWM脉冲上升时间
pulse rise-time 脉冲前沿
pulse delay rise time 脉冲上升延迟时间 ; 脉冲延迟上升时间
time pulse rise 脉冲上升时间
pulse e rise time 脉冲上升时间
They are ideal for high frequency and high pulse rise time circuits and find wide application in snubbers, switcher and high voltage power suppliers and electronics lighting ballasts.
Parametric measurements measure waveform properties such as rise time, fall time, overshoot, period, and amplitude on either a pulse waveform or an eye diagram.
Meanwhile, PWM inverters using high switching frequency device that shortens the rise time of PWM output pulse have been widely applied in high-speed AC driving locomotive.