The Punisher 惩罚者 ; 制裁者 ; 处罚者 ; 神鬼制裁
Jack The Punisher 惩罚者杰克
Complete of The Punisher 惩罚者全集
Marvel's The Punisher 惩罚者 ; 漫威制裁者
Zo-Zu the Punisher 用刑鬼揍子
The Punisher 2 惩罚者
The Punisher K 播放器
"Costly punishment," the type of punitive behavior studied by Nowak and his colleagues, refers to situations where a punisher is willing to incur a cost in order to penalize someone else.
No, the movie this was based on wasn't a Punisher comic book.
That provides a measure of willingness to punish, even at a cost to the punisher.