... Pure French Blood 纯正法国血统 pure-blood 纯血统的 Pure Red Blood Cell Aplasia 纯红血球再生不良 ; 红血球再生不良 ...
pure blood 纯血统 ; 纯种 ; 纯血 ; 纯血种
The Pure Blood 速度金属
Ov Pure Blood 唱片名
pure-blood ferment 纯种发酵
Being A Pure Blood 作为一个
there is the pure blood 正是在各个郊区才能出现巴黎种
同义词: pedigree(a) pedigreed pureblood pureblooded thoroughbred
以上来源于: WordNet
Pure-blood Chinese Han ethnicity vanishes.
Sirius Black also known by his nickname Padfoot, was a pure-blood wizard.
"Yeah, that fits, " said Harry. "He'd play up the pure-blood side so he could get in with Lucius Malfoy and the rest of them.