...是:1、点焊的位置要正确,位置不正确不仅会影响(influence)浸塑(别名涂塑)之后的整体光滑度,而且很可能会掉,围网(Purse Seine)在浸塑(别名涂塑)过程(guò chéng)中出现开焊掉帽的情况(Condition)是很难进行补救的;2、点焊的火候也要把握好,太大了立柱可能会...
套管式体育场围网(Purse Seine)指的是立柱与横管之间的连接方式方法,在立柱上焊合一段大概10cm左右长度的套管,套管要比横管的内径稍小一些或者横梁的内径要比...
...层防腐处理,永久免维护,解决了传统产品,短时间内即锈蚀、分化、褪色、龟裂等问题,免去产品维护更新费用体育围网(Purse Seine)包括(bāo kuò):羽毛球围网(Purse Seine),体育围挡网,篮球场地围网(Purse Seine),操场围网(Purse Seine),田径场围网(Purse Seine...
purse seine winch 围网绞车 ; [水产] 围网绞机
purse seine float 围网浮子
light-purse seine 灯诱围网 ; 光诱围网
shade-purse seine 荫凉围网
purse seine design 围网设计
hydraulic purse seine winch 液压围网起网机
ring purse seine 有环围网
以上来源于: WordNet
N a large net towed, usually by two boats, that encloses a school of fish and is then closed at the bottom by means of a line resembling the string formerly used to draw shut the neck of a money pouch or purse 大型围网
On the basis of the above analysis, the suggestions have been made on purse seine design and …
The writer has ever measured the depths of Norwagian herring purse seine during surrounding-fishing operation.
On the basis of the above analysis, the suggestions have been made on purse seine design and fishing operation.