...如果消息属实,Sarah Bolger将碰到她的「继母——在《都铎王朝》(The Tudors)中,Sarah Bolger扮演玛丽一世(Queen Mary I),而Natalie Dormer扮演Anne Boleyn,后者在本剧中扮演玛格丽·提利尔。
Queen Mary I Tudor 玛丽一世
Among these treasures is an oil on oak portrait of Queen Mary I painted by Hans Eworth in 1554 and a glowing 12th-century enamel casket designed to hold the remains of Thomas Becket.
其中有一幅玛丽女皇一世的油画肖像。 该画用橡木框装裱,由汉斯.埃沃茨于1554年创作而成。
Then the queen was permitted to answer, but she remained hard, and said, "No, I did not open the forbidden door;" and the Virgin Mary took the new-born child from her arms, and vanished with it.
王后仍然回答:“没有,我没有打开那扇门。” 圣母只好又从她怀里夺过孩子,带着他回天国去了。
Queen Mary thought, rather overoptimistically: 'So that feud is over, I hope, a great relief to me.'
I got acceptance from Queen Mary and Cranfield,