QueryLang: the language of the query string; this value must comply with ISO 639 and ISO 3166 standards. (this parameter is optional; the default value is the server locale.)
queryLang:查询字符串的语言;该值必须与ISO 639和ISO 3166标准一致(该参数是可选的;默认值为服务器的位置)。
The XQuery is sent as the value of the _query field in the URL's query string (the part of the URL after a question mark).
XQuery 被作为 URL 的查询字符串(URL 中引号后的部分)中的 _query 字段的值发送。
What I’m doing is placing a token ([value*]) in the query string and then creating a function that I can use to get the value of cutoffDate when the results of the query are accessed.