...2006年1月开始,我国的棕油输出到中国的数量显然有大幅的增长,这是因为中国在那时候取消了该国的棕油配额管制(Quota control)并实行了统一进口税率。
... Country Quota 国别配额 ; 国家配额 ; 国别配额 quota control 配额管制 ; 配额控制 ; 总量管制 ; 定额管理 quota allocation 名额分配 ; 配额分配 ; 定额分配 ...
... Country Quota 国别配额 ; 国家配额 ; 国别配额 quota control 配额管制 ; 配额控制 ; 总量管制 ; 定额管理 quota allocation 名额分配 ; 配额分配 ; 定额分配 ...
total quota control 总量控制
quota control load 限额控制加载
quota control of energy consumption 能源消耗定额管理
commodity under passive quota control 被动配额管理商品
commodity under positive quota control 主动配额管理商品
quota control route 配额控制
control quota 控制指标
water quality control quota 水质控制指标
If the products are subjects are subject to export licensing and quota control, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations.
The quota control is passed a sentence as a technical economics, and is one technical and the very strong domain of practicality, synthetic nature and policy.
The existing consumption quota control system and its enforcement in China is presented systematically, the main problems is assessed and some considerations to solve it proposed.