官方介绍 《月亮里的兔子》(Rabbit in the moon)是一款玩法简单有趣的rpg冒险养成类手游,在游戏中玩家将会收集各种不同能力的兔子来组建自己的冒险团队,升级自己领地中的建筑,...
资料 中文名: 月球上的兔子 英文名: Rabbit in the Moon 类 型: 纪录片 导 演: Emiko Omori 编 剧: Emiko Omori 产 地: 其他 语 种: 英语 地 区: 其它 剧情介
jade rabbit in the moon 传说中的月中玉兔
以上来源于: WordNet
All the rabbits came out and danced. They thanked the smallest rabbit for his good idea and the reflection of the silver Moon twinkled in the pool again.
Over the past few years China has shown increased interest in exploring the moon and space, with its Jade Rabbit lunar rover and the world's biggest radio telescope.
Chang 'e, who lived alone after arriving in the moon, liked the Jade Rabbit at the first sight, and therefore kept it company.