... 径向柱塞泵 radial plunger pump; radial-plunger pump 内配流径向柱塞泵 centrally ported radial piston pump; radial piston pump with interior admission 外配流径向柱塞泵 radial piston pump with exterior admission ...
radial plunger pump 径向活塞泵 ; 径向柱塞泵 ; 径向活塞
radial plunger pump coupling 径向活塞泵联轴器
new type radial plunger pump 新型径向柱塞泵
radial plunger oil pump 旋转往复油泵
Aimed to decrease damping coefficient and enhance pump's dynamic performance, a method for reducing the radial plunger pump stator forces was developed by analyzing the type JBP-63 pump stator forces.
As has been shown in practice, it is a new generation of the radial plunger pump which has new structure and reasonable design.
As has been shown in practice, it is a new generation of the radial plunger pump which has new structure and reason...