... 蒸汽耗量 steam consumption 电耗量 electrisity consumption;power consumption 加热面 radiating surface ...
principal radiating surface 规准放射面
neutron radiating surface 中子辐射面
diffusely radiating surface 扩散辐射面
So Radiating Surface Large 辐射面大
radiating g surface 加热面 ; 辐射面
heat radiating in surface 表面散热
radiating coefficient of surface 表面散热系数
surface heat radiating loss 表面散热损失
The radiating fin is designed in wave shape, in order to enlarge the radiating surface and the contact surface.
When calculating the wattage capabilities of a Element, the unit of watts output per unit of radiating surface area is used.
Figure 1 shows the recommended watt loading for a square inch or square centimeter of radiating surface as a function of furnace temperature.