目前发光二极管用的都是直接带隙材料 直接带隙材料中,电子与空穴复合时,其发光跃迁 (Radiative Transition)有以下可能性: 导 带 价 带 (1)带间复 合 Eg 导 带 价 带 (2)自由激子相互抵 消 (3)在能带势能波 动区,局部束缚激 子的复...
non radiative transition 无辐射跃迁
indirect radiative transition 间接辐射转变 ; 间接观测
multistage radiative transition 多级辐射跃迁 ; 多级显像管
non-radiative transition 非辐射跃迁 ; [物] 无辐射跃迁
direct radiative transition 直接辐射跃迁
radiative transition probability 辐射跃迁概率
forbidden radiative transition [物化] 禁阻辐射跃迁 ; 禁戒辐射跃迁
radiative transition rate 辐射跃迁几率
Radiative transition rates 辐射跃迁概率
Their amplitudes are extremely small mainly due to the lack of a suitable pumpsource as well as the large non-radiative transition rates among the energy levels in Dy3+.
参考来源 - Dy~(3+)掺杂GeSMulti-phonon relaxation model and rate equation are used to fit the results of fluorescence intensity versus temperature, which shows that multi-phonon relaxation is the main procession between neighboring Er3+ energy levels, and the radiative transition can be neglected.
参考来源 - Li~+增强稀土离子荧光现象及机制研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It has been shown that the isotope substitution changes the spectrum of lattice vibration, and brings forth a great influence on the non-radiative transition.
Using a potential model with relativistic correction we evaluated the spectrum, lepton decay widths and radiative transition widths of heavy quarkonium systems.
The dependence of radiative and nonradiative transition probability on the temperature is discussed, and the curve of concentration quench and temperature quench is given.