... radioactive fission product 放射性裂变产物 radioactive fuel waste 放射性燃料废物 radioactive gas recovery system 放射性气体处理系统 ...
radioactive E fission product 放射性裂变产物
These teeth were then tested to determine their level of Strontium-90, a radioactive fission product that escapes in nuclear power plant emissions.
这些乳牙都要经过测试,以确定它们的锶- 90的积存程度。锶- 90是一种核裂变的产品,它们会从核电站的排放物中逃逸和扩散。
The laboratory equipment was suitable for remote operation with highly radioactive solutions, and study of fission product behavior in solvent extraction at short residence times.
In the presence of naturally radioactive isotopes and fission product...