radon gas monitoring 氡气测试
radon gas geochemistry 氡气勘查地球化学
radon gas concentration 氡气环境调查
Radon Gas Characteristics 氡气监测系统
radon gas exploration geochemistry 氡气勘查地球化学
radon-free gas 无氡气体
Radon gas in the air is present worldwide, its concentration depending on the highly variable uranium content of the soil.
The authors also studied the continuous self-recording technique by using the ionization method to measure the Radon gas.
Radon gas in the environment, particles of the fire-resistant material asbestos and air pollution also increase the risk.
环境中 的氡气、防火材料 石棉 的颗粒以及空气污染也会增大患肺癌 的风险性。