Autonomous rail Rapid Transit 智能轨道快运系统
light rail rapid transit 轻轨捷运 ; 轻轨捷运系统
light rail rapid transit lrrt 轻轨捷运
light rail rapid transit car 快速有轨电车
rail rapid transit rrt 快速轨道交通 ; 城市快速轨道交通
urban rail rapid transit 城市轨道交通
million rail rapid transit 五百万地铁旅客
urban rapid rail transit 城市轨道交通 ; 都市快轨交通
high-capacity rail rapid transit 大容量快速轨道交通
In view of the whole city public transportation system, party-line operation of the Rail Rapid Transit system and the Bus Transit system is not only a competition but also a co-operation.
The plan is to shift to efficient, low carbon bus rapid transit systems and light rail, and to retire old buses and replace them with lower carbon alternatives, such as hybrid vehicles.
The AFC system of Dalian rapid rail transit line 3 is the first of its kind independently developed by China itself, which employs contactless IC card as the carrier of tickets.
摘要大连快轨交通3号线AF C系统是国内第一个自主研发并投入运行,完全以非接触式ic卡为车票载体(单程票用薄卡型)的自动售检票系统。